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Sunday, January 22nd 2006, 2:01pm

Author: meyerm

moce position of "popup bubbles" at systray

Hi, I'm currently using kicker faded out to the lower side of the screen. Now I have the problem, that message popups in bubbles (in this case metamonitor) pop up at the true position of the icon. Speak: too low. And of course... they are cut at the bottom of the screen. How can I tell those message to display themselves higher above or tell kicker to move them up? Thanks, M

Monday, March 15th 2004, 8:53pm

Author: meyerm

"new session" button in screensaver (like SuSE)

Hi, I just saw a nice feature on a SuSE computer. When someone activated its screensaver there was not only the input field for the password to unlock the screen but also another button to open a second KDM session on the next virtual console. So you can just login and start working without having to kick the other one out... How can I get this feature in a "default" KDE? Thank you very much Marcel

Tuesday, December 16th 2003, 8:37pm

Author: meyerm

KOffice 1.3

Thaaaank you :-) That's wonderful news!

Tuesday, December 16th 2003, 10:26am

Author: meyerm

KOffice 1.3

Hi, I don't even dare to ask... ;-) I need to install/compile koffice within the next two days or so to read and write bills. And I want a stable version. So I will only install 1.2.1 or the finished 1.3. Does anybody know from f.ex. some IRC-chat or looking into the cvs when 1.3 will be released approx.? I don't want to install 1.2.1 and then replace it two days later - but if 1.3 still takes weeks, it's too late and I will _have to_ use 1.2.1 So, any estimations? I know, when it's ready. But t...

Wednesday, November 5th 2003, 3:08pm

Author: meyerm

no pause between songs in noatun?

Hi, I've encoded a few live concerts from cd to ogg. But when I now play them with noatun it stops for half a second or so between the songs. Not sooo terrible - but unnice. Is there a possibility to tell noatun to pre-decode songs and start playing the next when the current has just finished? Thanks Marcel

Tuesday, November 4th 2003, 1:23pm

Author: meyerm

Acounting with kprinter/cups(/windows)

Hi there, we have a hp laserjet 4000 PostScript Printer, attached to the network. For now, everybody can talk to it. But we want to restrict the use of it with our cups-server - also in the network. Now the big question: how can I restrict printing or at least count the pages people are printing? The best would be if they can distinguish between single projects. There are some accounting text fields in the kprint dialog. But anyone can enter anything, right? Perhaps this is more a cups-question,...

Sunday, June 29th 2003, 8:32pm

Author: meyerm

email notification in kmail for special folders

Hello anda_skoa, thank you for your answer. That's almost what I wanted. :-) I can use these filters to search for the "X-Bogosity: Yes" header which indicates, that it has been identified as Spam through my bogogilter installed on the server. And when I say "use the filter" (pressing STRG+J) it works (it plays the desired sound). Buuuut I let my server sorting emails into different IMAP-folders. I would have to create some filters several times (server, client). Not sooo bad, but the problem is...

Sunday, June 29th 2003, 4:24pm

Author: meyerm

email notification in kmail for special folders

Hi there, I want Kmail to notify me (f.ex. by sound) when new mail arrives. OK, that works. But I want it just for special folders. The optimum would be to play different sound for some folders. F.ex. nothing in Inbox, an alert in SysAdmin.ServerAlerts and the "SpamSong" from Monty Python for the Spam-folder ;-) Thank you Marcel

Sunday, June 15th 2003, 3:54pm

Author: meyerm

top margin while prining

Hi there, I have a HP DJ 995C, the hpijs driver, cups and of course kprinter. But when I print sth. (doesn't matter if I use lpr or kprinter out of kword) I always get a margin at the top of the page (the printer is capable of printing it - it already some time ago... *g*). I tried the GUI of kdeprint an even changed lpoptions directly. But it didn't help. Anybody using the same printer / driver? Or do you have a simple idea? Any help will be appreciated! :-) thanks, marcel

Thursday, May 8th 2003, 10:50pm

Author: meyerm

default Header in KMail

Great! Thank you. Greets, Marcel

Wednesday, May 7th 2003, 9:20pm

Author: meyerm

default Header in KMail

Hi there, how can I define default headers, always appended to my mail or filled into existing headers in KMail. To be precise, I want to add a certain email-adress in the CC or BCC to every mail I send. Thank you, Marcel

Sunday, April 13th 2003, 3:50pm

Author: meyerm

dcop call for "show desktop"

Hi there, I'm just wondering what is the complete dcop call to minimize all windows (just like the desktop button in kicker) Thanks, Marcel

Tuesday, March 25th 2003, 1:25am

Author: meyerm

OpenOffice vs. KOffice (vote)

Quoted Original von torkn I should wish, however, that OpenOffice would make standard use of Linux (KDE) resources like fonts and printers and user interface, the way it does so flawlessly in Windows. At least, I can help you with printers... :-) Just add a new printer to OpenOffice and as print command you use "kprinter --stdin". hth, Marcel

Sunday, March 23rd 2003, 3:11pm

Author: meyerm

offering system wide bookmarks in konqueror

Hi there, how can I create sth. like system wide bookmarks in Konqui? Speak: a special top bookmark folder visible to all users with links to f.ex. webmail, policies, database access or just informations from other institutes. Of course not in .skel since it should be updateable on a regular base. :-) Thanks, marcel