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Saturday, June 2nd 2007, 9:34pm

Author: gonssal

[KIO_FTP/SFTP] Encoding autodetection

Sorry for the double posting, but i found that _when connected_, in Konqueror you can change the used encoding in "Tools > Select remote encoding". By the way when I select UTF-8 (using SFTP) the program freezes and I have to kill it. I still can't find a way to change the encoding in Quanta.

Saturday, June 2nd 2007, 9:24pm

Author: gonssal

[KIO_FTP/SFTP] Encoding autodetection

Hi. I've been using Konqueror and Quanta, that make use of kio_ftp and kio_sftp, to upload/download files to/from servers. The problem is that those servers have their whole system encoded in UTF-8, but the slaves keep uploading, downloading, creating files, etc... in a different encoding. I checked every KDE tool I could think of trying to find a way to modify the kios encoding but found nothing. I then found a thread ( where this is discusse...