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Search results 1-7 of 7.

Wednesday, November 19th 2003, 5:49pm

Author: ybouan

Arrange icons

Once you have made the change go to settings->save view profile

Thursday, November 6th 2003, 9:23am

Author: ybouan


As anyone seen a copy of 3.1.4? Seems Texstar has been working on the live CD recently and hasn't had time to recompile the binaries....

Thursday, August 14th 2003, 1:29pm

Author: ybouan

use the RPMS

texstar has made RPMs. Just add is rpm repositroy to your sources.

Thursday, August 14th 2003, 1:24pm

Author: ybouan


To ease your search for RPMs. Go to or find the fedora web site. They have a single RPM of apt4rpm and synaptic. (maybe 2 rpms). Once they are installed launch synaptic and select your kde-i18-es package among hundreds of others. (and get the latest KDE 3.1.3)

Thursday, August 14th 2003, 1:20pm

Author: ybouan

What controls root vs general user KDE look and feel

I hope I don't say anything stupid (I'm on a windows machine right now so I can't check) All settings for kde and it's applications are stored in /root/.kde whereas the other user's are stored in /home/*username*/.kde The defaults are stored in your kde directory which depends on your distro. Distros use red backgrounds and stuff so you know you are running in root. Of course if youare in KDE as root you can customize it as much as you want through the Kontrol center. The login screen is either ...

Monday, May 19th 2003, 7:17pm

Author: ybouan

Kmplayer and juk

I think kmplayer and juk will greatly replace noatun and it's friends. Having installed kmplayer a few days ago I finally have quicktime movie previews of the web (just in time for matrix). By the way Netscape plugins for Konqueror really sucks... Noatun cannot be usefull since it has no usable playlist. Nowadays a player should have advanced music library management such as the ones in itunes, real one, kazaa, and windows media player: sorting in tree by album, genre, period, artist, etc... Bas...

Monday, May 19th 2003, 6:30pm

Author: ybouan

Installing New Fonts (RH 9.0 w/ KDE 3.1)

First of all ¨icons¨ is in ¨look and feel¨ so you just skipped a step. Second many icon ¨themes¨ are actually not complete i.e. they do not have a .desktop file, only icons. You cannot install the icon set through the control center if their is no such file to describe the icon theme. Instaling a complete icon set is pretty easy if you have the right file. is definitly the place too look. If you are using RedHat 9.0 and still having trouble I recommend installing apt4rpm from freshr...