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Tuesday, May 6th 2003, 4:06am

Author: jonveit

perhaps a focus on mplayer isn't bad idea

From what I know this program just hit version 0.90 and supports more codecs than other movie players. I seriously do think multimedia support is lacking in kde's desktop. The fact seeing a movie trailer is still a hassle in kde is a problem that needs to be corrected, maybe mplayer is the solution. ~jon

Tuesday, May 6th 2003, 4:01am

Author: jonveit

K3B by a Mile

The program is absolutely amazing, professional and fits the kde standard. Its better than any commercial software I've tried. Making music mixes is such a dream with its playlist feature. It also has potential VCD support if you want that sort of thing. My problem is when we talk about it being the default for kde its kind of strange. A lot of people don't have burners, thus no use for the software. When is kde application development going to get to the point where there is so much, that we do...