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Monday, May 23rd 2005, 8:04am

Author: Teotihuacan

Kopete SVN : proxy problem...

Hello, Like everyone using MSN in Kopete, I had problems. So I've installed Kopete from SVN and now, I can connect to MSN. But since I've installed this version, Kopete and Kmail do not use the proxy setting I've set in Konqueror. It's very annoying because when I'm at school, I have to use a proxy and I can't retrive my e-mails anymore. I've tried to remove Kopete and to re-install Kmail/Kdenetworkbut it still don't use my proxy settings. Can someone help me ? Thanks.

Saturday, February 21st 2004, 5:31pm

Author: Teotihuacan

The MSN picture size...

Hello, I really like Kopete, but since the 0.8rc2 version, I wonder why the MSN contact's picture is so small... I know we can see it bigger by pointing the curser over it... but I think it would be better if it was always at its original size... Is this a bug ? or is this a normal feature ? --> Is there a way to display it bigger ? Thanks a lot.