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Tuesday, December 13th 2005, 5:01pm

Author: qeimsga

Sent Email stored locally

Ciao, recently I discoverd that all e-mails I've been sending since using kmail are stored locally in this path: /home/user/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/sent-mail/cur/ .WHY??? I've an IMAP account on an Exchange2003 server, and in Kmail local directories no mail is shown. Many thanks for your help. Ciao q

Tuesday, October 25th 2005, 5:37pm

Author: qeimsga


I've been trying for last hours, but it seems that postfix server doesn't want to startup. I don't know why, I've to work on it: I configured all those stuff in /etc/postfix/ file, but "postfix start|reload|flush|stop|abort" statements don't work: the postfix server is and desires to stay down! Moreover, localhost:25 port is closed even if I have configured firewall.... Any suggestions? Any other fix? Thanks Ciao q

Tuesday, October 25th 2005, 11:59am

Author: qeimsga

Kmail client under M$ Exchange

Ciao a tutti, I'm a new happy user of SuSe9.3 Linux, installed on my notebook at workplace. I choose KDE 3.4.2 as desktop environment and Kontact as PIM tool. BUT at my workplace M$ rules !!!! After many tries all seems to work, but e-mail client doesn't: I have a M$ Exchange 5.5 server as unique setting in "Widows" Outlook and administrators can not help me from a political point of view... . I can receive e-mails, setting its name in "receiving" tab, but the problem is "sending", as that serve...