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Tuesday, September 9th 2008, 3:04pm

Author: waterkip

RE: Can someone get rid of seekyou?

Quoted from "beermad" We don't need this idiot's irrelevant spam - can the forum owners get rid of him/her please? +1

Tuesday, September 9th 2008, 2:57pm

Author: waterkip


You could run aptitude --download-only install kde4 on other box and copy all the .debs from there to your other box.. However, you would also need to check depencies, because the box you are using to fetch your .debs from could already have depencies installed which are not yet install on your other box..

Tuesday, September 9th 2008, 1:07am

Author: waterkip

Loading configuration .kde/share/config/khotkeysrc

Hello, Is there a way to manually load the configuration of .kde/share/config/khotkeysrc into kwin? When a shortcut is present in this file kwin doesn't use it, even when running kwin --replace. I need to add the shortcut via kmenu again before I can use it.. The reason why I'm asking this are the following bugs:…ngs/+bug/264300…ase/+bug/132001