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Saturday, June 11th 2005, 2:45pm

Author: elempoimen

RE: KDE: Inter-process authentication problems

Disable? No. Break? Yes. Note that I didn't disable my user account. There simply was an authentication problem within KDE related to my user account. Granted, the root account cannot have authentication problems, per se...but things can go wierd sometimes. Bottom line: in my experience, I've been glad I've not run as root at least a few times. I'd recommend it to all my users. And I'd especially recommend it on less safe OS environments (like Windoze--true, no actual "root" account there, but d...

Saturday, June 11th 2005, 4:49am

Author: elempoimen

RE: KDE: Inter-process authentication problems

Replying to my own post here for the sake of documentation... Apparently something got hosed in my user account. I simply logged out and logged in as root, changed the password on the user account, and all was well. I was even able to change it back to the original password after logging in once with the new password. Just another testimonial as to why running as root is a bad idea. If I'd not had a clean root account, I would not have been able to fix this.

Friday, June 10th 2005, 2:02pm

Author: elempoimen

KDE: Inter-process authentication problems

I'm having trouble with inter-process authentication in KDE 3.4 on Kanotix (although I've seen it on other distros, too). Here are the symptoms: - Sometimes (no rhyme or reason) when I kdesu, I receive an error saying, "Unable to enable inter-process communications for KDE. Authentication Rejected, reason: Non of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed." - I am unable to access "Administrator Mode" in any of the kcontrol modules - When I run Konq...