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Saturday, April 26th 2003, 10:22am

Author: dotpl

Guest vote

I don't think that one should be banned from posting based on his/her nickname. anyone who register the nick Guets should be allowed to post like everyone else. OTOH, Guests should also be allowed to post :wink:

Friday, April 25th 2003, 4:37pm

Author: dotpl

Fixing fonts under 3.1

Hi, I am using RedHat 7.3, and I finally managed to install KDE3.1 using Garnome I built it in folder ~/garnome/ adding some bits in kdm I was able to fire up the desktop but all the fonts are missing; the desktop icons have their names, but everything else is replaced with underscores that run all width of the screen. Has anybody have a clue of what might be causing this, and how I can fix it? As soon as I can make a screenshot I'll post it. Thanx in advance Update here is the screenshot http:/...