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Saturday, October 27th 2007, 8:03am

Author: Leonid

RE: No button "Shutdown" [SOLVED]

I had just installed it, and everything appeared.

Wednesday, February 7th 2007, 1:39pm

Author: Leonid

RE: No button "Shutdown" [SOLVED]

So. As far as I understand, kde cooperates with kdm a lot. I have just setup the kdm and 3 buttons appeared: shutdown, logoff, and change user (I can make a mistake a bit because I'm using Russian locale)

Monday, December 25th 2006, 9:45pm

Author: Leonid

No button "Shutdown" [SOLVED]

Many weeks I didn't pay attention to this problem: I have no button "Shutdown" and no button "Reboot" in the window "End session" Can I fix it? p.s. I'm working under the user, not root ----------------------------------- SOLUTION ----------------------------------- I found the solution. But it looks strange. Setting up kdm made the necessary buttons to appear.