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Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 11:16pm

Author: Tezkah

Why does Firefox always look like crap?

Really, you're out of luck due to the fact that Firefox is a GTK based application, while all the native KDE applications are based on One way to get around this is to install a GTK theme that blends with QT as much as possible gtk2-engines-gtk-qt - theme engine using Qt for GTK+ 2.x thats the package on debian based distributions, allows you to set GTK styles from within the KDE control center, its not perfect. here is what i've been able to do with a firefox theme that emulates crystal... howe...

Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 10:51pm

Author: Tezkah


I know on Kubuntu, the package that eluded me for a long time was a package called "libxine-extracodecs", I installed it and now Xine (and also amaroK) plays mp3 files without a hitch. You'll probably have to do the same thing on your 10.0 install. good luck!

Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 10:46pm

Author: Tezkah

RE: change menubar?

right click the K-Menu, and click on "Menu Editor" or System Settings -> Panel -> Panels -> Menus -> Edit KMenu Make sure you click "Save" after making the changes, or else they wont occur. hope this helps!

Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 10:38pm

Author: Tezkah

Menus stuck on Right side....fix??

I just installed Kubuntu Dapper flight 4 with KDE 3.5.1, and I get the same behaviour when i try and get the menu bar activated. Works great by itself, but the second you put any other applets on that menu bar, it goes from being Left Aligned to being center aligned which is very annoying, since the best part of the MacOStyle bar is the file/location/application menu always being in the same place. I was reading this wiki, and it referred to the Menu Bar being included as an applet (like the clo...