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Wednesday, March 21st 2012, 8:11am

Author: FastJack2

Disable kdm for local displays

would have edited, but gives php-error Oo ...the lines i mentioned are in section [general] and should locate somewhere around line 63-73 (...if you use the default kdmrc...)

Wednesday, March 21st 2012, 8:07am

Author: FastJack2

Disable kdm for local displays

i know this post is damn old, but i was searching for a solution on this and found this post several times... so as i now found the solution i thought i could answer here for others who might have the same problem: the line u mentioned is now located in: /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc and the we need to modify line is: StaticServers=:0 just commenting this out won't work because it defaults to ":0" so just remove everything after the = so the line reads like: StaticServers= ALSO you should comment this lin...