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Friday, May 18th 2007, 4:18am

Author: deadowl

[Kopete] Can't turn off blue heads, status redundancy

I don't care for the amount of space contact images require, but there is absolutely no way I can find to turn off the blue heads when I turn off contact images. It would actually be preferable to replace the blue heads with the regular status icons. The regular status icons actually provide me with a bit more information than blue heads (account medium).

Wednesday, May 16th 2007, 6:23pm

Author: deadowl

[Kontect] Sync with Microsoft Exchange

While I honestly don't need access to Microsoft Exchange right now, it would be a good idea to add. I'm pretty sure that's the reason Thunderbird isn't the default mail client for the GNOME version of Ubuntu, and I'm pretty sure I'm unfortunately going to need Exchange access in the near future. It's interesting how I'm a CSIS major and the engineering school is Unix mad, while the business school requires ugly amounts of ugly Microsoft software.

Wednesday, May 16th 2007, 8:16am

Author: deadowl

Konqueror vs Dolphin

I honestly believe that Konqueror would better suit me if it were a shell for multiple applications rather than just a file manager / web browser with plugins for document viewing. You know, somewhat like Fluxbox with window grouping. I believe this would also be better because while file browsing and web browsing have similar commands, there are differences in the way that they're used that could be specialized, as well as simplified, by using single applications.