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Tuesday, November 1st 2005, 12:13pm

Author: tommy

RE: konqueror icons displaced

does no one has an answere to this question? Is this really a wanted behavior of the icons in the filebrowser?

Tuesday, October 25th 2005, 10:51pm

Author: tommy

konqueror icons displaced

Hello, konqueror filebrowser sometimes shift the icons in a odd way. i have attached a screenshot so you can see what i mean. How can i tell konqueror to display the icons in a more regular order, that means in every row the same amount of icons and with continuous rows (no shifting). Thanks!

Sunday, October 16th 2005, 5:56pm

Author: tommy

RE: konqueror ignores settings in ~/.fonts.conf

Does you have found a solution? I have the same problem. Konqueror can't display some characters on websites with helvetica fonts. If i remove the helvetica fonts than konqueror uses the Bitstream Vera Sans fonts and everything works well. But i have to keep the helvetica fonts for my emacs So just removing the fonts is no solution. But how could i tell konqueror/kde to don't use the helvetica fonts?

Sunday, February 13th 2005, 12:09am

Author: tommy

problem with some characters

what you mean by "standard fonts"? If you look in your konqueror setting you must see some fonts which you have seletcted to display the content. Please tell me which fonts you use to display these characters correct, thanks.

Saturday, February 12th 2005, 11:51pm

Author: tommy

problem with some characters

can you tell me some fonts who can show the character on your system? Just that i can test it. At the moment i use helvetica.

Saturday, February 12th 2005, 3:25pm

Author: tommy

problem with some characters

nobody an idea? Until now i have thought that is a configuration problem or i have missed to install a special package. But today i have tried a knoppix cd on another pc from my friend and the live-cd shows the same behavior. So it seems like it's really a bug?!?

Friday, February 11th 2005, 12:39am

Author: tommy

problem with some characters

Hello, if a website uses &#8220 and &#8221 as quotation marks konqueror doesn't show the quotation marks correct instead he shows small quadrangles. Same happens with knewsticker and kmail, so i think it's a general problem on KDE. On the other side firefox don't have a problem with these quotation marks. Any ideas what's the problem? Thanks! PS: on the attachment you can see it. The first line is from konqueror and the second form firefox.