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Wednesday, March 31st 2004, 12:25am

Author: Euman

KMail configured to strip Topica Ads

I'm considering writting a parsing agent to strip html and ads from every message I recieve. A database would be needed to hold ad information but because so many ads are repeated often this wouldnt take too much time to lookup. I'll see what I can do and post the results here.. Thank you very much for the responce!

Saturday, March 27th 2004, 8:02pm

Author: Euman

KMail configured to strip Topica Ads

Hello to all, This is my first post here! My question is where can I find a list of the script commands available for KMail? I would like to be able to setup KMail to strip Topica ads from a Forum I currently am subscribe to. I read in the tips section that you can strip lines in the header, is there a way currently to strip parts of the message body? This would be a very cool feature if its not implemeted yet...