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Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 10:51pm

Author: 4theloveofIT

RE: Customizing KDE

also simply right clicking the window boarder gives a transparency option !

Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 10:45am

Author: 4theloveofIT

RE: Need a Composer

there are a few choices ardour is pretty good with a qbase interface also gnusound is similar in functionality but they are both realy writen for gnome, jokosher is a good kde composer alowing you to both record and compose using samples the interface however is a little simpler and is more for the garage band enthusiast. if not check out ubuntu studio instal it along side your kde and select it at login

Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 1:57am

Author: 4theloveofIT

RE: Customizing KDE

i have fully functional compiz - emerald, there many effect settings in the default kde4, look in the settings console under >desktop you will find a plethora of settings there including transparencies ! unfortunatly nothing for pannels as of yet but be patient it only takes a genius with inspiration !

Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 1:48am

Author: 4theloveofIT

RE: KDE4 - the great disappointment

Quoted Originally posted by tekwyzrd From everything I've read so far I have little doubt I will hate KDE4. In many ways it seems the developers have decided to go the way of gnome, dumbing down to satisfy those too lazy to learn. Just look at the system settings program that replaces kcontrol. This type of control panel was one of my major disappointments in the re-merge of beryl into compiz, and it's more distressing here. Why are the devs so set on losing ease of use and looking like gnome? ...

Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 1:25am

Author: 4theloveofIT

RE: kde4 & compiz fusion

well it seams with a little will and determination you can achieve almost anything ! i have managed to install KDE4 with compiz-fusion and emerald on both machines 1.) AMD 4000, nvidia 6200, 512ram ,20gig (ide)hdd ubuntu hardy. -grainy! 2.) intel centrino 1.4, intel intergrated graphics gm825 512ram gutsy -solid ! neither machine are cutting edge but both are pretty stable (as stable as xp or vista) so long as you dont ask the world of them. the widgets seam to make the bigest difference to the ...

Wednesday, February 20th 2008, 12:57am

Author: 4theloveofIT

RE: KDE4 - the great disappointment

you dont realy have to install it, if you dont like it stick with 3.5, terminal is still there so for any hard core linux geeks you can still use code, however now linux and bsd have evolved into competetive desktop environments and want to have a market share,if linux does not do so soon it will have a very short shelf life, the only way of doing regardless if YOU like it or not, is to cater for the point and click users not everyone wants to learn code in very much the same way that they dont ...

Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 3:55pm

Author: 4theloveofIT

kde4 & compiz fusion

i have a Acer travelmate c300 with integrated intel chipset gm8** a base install of ubuntu gutsy (gnome) with all the gubbins awn compiz fusion etc....... i recently tried out kde3.5 and wasnt to impressed however after watching the kde4 keynote i istalled the kde4 window manager - somehow some way i have compiz runing (full version) and so ontop of kde4 i have a 3d desktop and wobbly windows and all the other window effects including emerald. trying to do the same on a desktop is proving to be ...

Friday, February 15th 2008, 1:37pm

Author: 4theloveofIT

KDE 4 - its just the begining

having been a blinkered corperate user of technology for around 8-9 years using "flat" static and plain UI's for all this time (inc mac and win) i finaly (2 years ago) started to play with the live cd's and found ubuntu was only realy rivaled by knoppix for stability but for functionality and ergonomics of the gnome interface, i found kde to be unstable and for me it struggled with beutification. i think the new simple kde4 UI is very slick - although performance varies from machine to machine i...