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Sunday, October 10th 2004, 11:26pm

Author: svdbeek

Konqueror doesn't surf, but downloads a file locally

Quoted Original von anda_skoa Check if you have a local override entry for text/html, i.e. if you have a file for html in .kde/share/mimelnk/text Tried that, but that wasn't it. I decided to rename the ~/.kde directory and after that it worked. By judiciously copying back files I found the problem. The file ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals contained, in the [General] section the following entry: BrowserApplication=kde-konqbrowser.desktop After removing that line, the problem was solved.

Friday, October 8th 2004, 5:19pm

Author: svdbeek

Konqueror doesn't surf, but downloads a file locally

Hi, Since a few days Konqueror doesn't surf the web anymore. Instead, when I type in a URL it downloads the file locally and then displays it in a new window. Does anyone have any idea what may cause this - and how I can fix it? It is listed as first in the html file-associations.