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Wednesday, March 31st 2004, 2:17am

Author: lawrencegoodman

The zero-knowledge guides

Hi, a few months back I was in exactly your situation and I can tell you in advance it's tough going because good documentation for KDE is really hard to come by. Here are a few suggestions: --The book, KDE for Linux for Dummies. It's woefully out of date, but it's a start. -- this site contains all the official documentation for KDE. --This site, using the search feature. Pretty much every question you have has already been asked. The tricky part is knowing what the right se...

Monday, March 29th 2004, 9:39pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

I want to stop updatebd from starting automaticly

One thing I never understand is why my Kfind doesn't seem to be able to find the updatedb database. When I click on "use files index," the search still takes pretty long, whereas when I open a command line and use the locate command it's instant. Is there a place in the Control Center where I have to set the location of the files index? Thanks.

Sunday, March 28th 2004, 10:06pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Why I gave up on KDE

I am a newbie who for the last six months has struggled to figure out Linux. Most of my energy has gone into grasping KDE. Linux line commands were easy. You typed "man" with the command you wanted, and you could figure it out. But KDE was a nightmare. The documentation was all over the place. Error messages didn't make any sense. Configuration settings were located in all sorts of strange places. Programs crashed. I had to spend hours going through forums to find fixes for bugs. Then, last week...

Sunday, March 28th 2004, 9:50pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

[KDE 3.2.1] Random Freezing

Is this problem related to the panel (kicker) at the bottom of the screen? There were a lot of us who were having KDE 3.2 freeze on us and it was because of the klipper icon. If you remove the klipper icon, then the problem is solved. To test this, turn off the kicker (the command: killall kicker) and see if it still freezes on you. Good luck.

Monday, March 15th 2004, 3:19am

Author: lawrencegoodman

Kword and Keyboard Settings

I am having this wierd problem where Kword 1.3 is not saving the keyboard settings I save in the "Configure Shortcuts" selection. Is this just a bug or something specific to my Kword? This problem existed in Kword 1.2. I updated, but it got no better. Thanks for the help.advice. Lawrence

Monday, March 8th 2004, 9:13pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Korganizer and Reminders

Does anyone know of a way in Korganizer or Kontact (KDE 3.2) to make it so that every time I create a new event, it automatically sets it so I will be given a reminder. Right now, I need to remember to click on the reminder box and I keep forgetting. I would just like to make it default that I will be reminded about an event five minutes before the event happens. Thanks.

Thursday, February 26th 2004, 2:18pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

File associations aren't saved

I had this problem with KDE 3.1 too. It's fixed in 3.2 and if possible, you should just upgrade. One workaround I found was to edit file associations for root, and these then kick in for non-root users as well. You do need to restart KDE though for the file associations to go into effect. Still, best advice is upgrade. Lawrence

Tuesday, February 24th 2004, 9:49pm

Author: lawrencegoodman


I think KDE 3.2 is a huge improvement in countless small and major ways, but yes, I do find it crashes more than 3.1. It's konqueror and korganizaer and kword for me, mainly. I've sort of gotten used to it and just restart things and move on. I also shrug it off because so many bugs in Kde 3.2 have been fixed and in so many ways it is much, much better than 3.1 Lawrence

Monday, February 23rd 2004, 10:05pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

KDE 3.2 freezes

Just wanted to mention that I had solved this problem on my system rather easily. It was simply a matter of removing certain applets/application buttons from the kicker. I got rid of Kick-Pim and then klipper, and now I don't have any problems (a few days now). Here is also another temporary fix: use kalarm to constantly run the command "dcop kicker Panel restart". Yes, I know this is not ideal, but it works if you set the command to run every minute or so and when I was doing it, I certainly ne...

Monday, February 16th 2004, 6:49pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Konqueror 3.2 - SuperUser mode problem

I might be completely wrong about this, but the problem may be file associations for "root." My suggestion would be to open Control Center as root and change file associations for the text files to open the program that you want. In other words, when you are running konqueror as root, the file associations that work are for the root user, not the non-root user. Hope this helps, but I am a newbie. Lawrence

Monday, February 16th 2004, 1:56pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Command Line Toggle Desktop

Wow! Thanks very much. It works!

Saturday, February 14th 2004, 10:51pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Command Line Toggle Desktop

Does anyone know of way fmor the command line of minimizing all windows and just showing the desktop? I have searched through kdcop and found nothing. Thanks.

Saturday, February 14th 2004, 10:50pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

[EDIT] KDE 3.2 hangs at 2nd splash-icon

Not sure if you are having the same problem, but a whole bunch of us are having problems with the kicker causing the system to hang. The only workaround I've found is turning off the kicker, which creates all sorts of inconveniences. See this link: You might also want to vote for the bug so this problem, which seems to me quite serious, gets some attention. Thanks.

Saturday, February 14th 2004, 10:47pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Creating a Service Menu

I want to create an "action" so that when I right click on an mp3 file I have the option of copying the file to /media/mp3player (where my mp3player is mounted). I have created the following file: [Desktop Entry] ServiceTypes=audio/x-mp3 Actions=sendtomp3player [Desktop Action sendtomp3player] Name=Send To MP3 Player Exec=cp /media/mp3player The problem clearly is the last line. Can someone tell me the correct command line to enter for copying the file I've right-clicked on? Thanks.

Sunday, February 8th 2004, 9:40pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

KDE 3.2 freezes

I have no solution to this, but just wanted to add that on my system, Suse 8.2, kernel 2.4, Kde 3.2 is also freezing. Same thing too: I can move the mouse, even click on a web link in firebird and go to the site, but the keyboard is dead and I can't launch any programs. After a few minutes, it comes back up again. Strange. I suspect this is a kicker problem too, but I'm not sure and don't really know how to do some tests to figure out the problem here. Thanks, Lawrence

Thursday, February 5th 2004, 3:53pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

KDE 3.2 and Kicker Hang Problem

I have just installed KDE 3.2 on my Suse 8.2 system and Kicker is causing the system to freeze. What happens is that I can move the mouse on the screen, but I can't type anything and I can't execute any actions within KDE. After a few minutes, the system comes back up again. I am sure it's the kicker (the panel on the bottom of the screen) because when I disable the kicker, there's no problem. Some observations: 1) When I type in kicker at the command prompt, I get the following output: kicker: ...

Wednesday, February 4th 2004, 5:43pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Add a launcher to the control panel with a script?

Not sure what the problem is but here's where that file is: ~/.kde/share/config/ Good luck.

Monday, December 29th 2003, 9:57pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

No sound for audio cd

I have the same problem. The CD players works with Windows, not Linux. I have read a number of posts saying this is a problem especially with Dell computers because of the way the CD player is connected to the rest of the computer. I saw a post about a week ago explaining to newbies how they can open up their machine and reconnect the CD Player, but can't find the link now. I may be wrong about this since I am a newbie, but I know for sure my sound card and CD player are configured correctly in ...

Thursday, December 18th 2003, 1:19pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Kontact Problem

So this is a rather inelegant, newbie kind of fix to this problem: The problem is this file: ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/lock Kmail/Kontact evidently creates this file every time it boots up and inside assigns Kmail a prcoess number. What I did is just change the permissions on the file so it belonged to root. Kontact can't write the file when it boots up so I'm free to run multpiple versions of Kmail. Not sure why, but it's working for now. I know it's not the best solution, but what the heck. Lawr...

Thursday, December 18th 2003, 12:30pm

Author: lawrencegoodman

Kontact Problem

Thanks for the help, but I am still having trouble. I shoudl have mentioned this but I am using KDE 3.1 and the preliminary source version of Kontact (not the one that comes with KDE 3.2). Here's what happens: I type : dcop kmail default openComposer "" "" "" "" "" 0 "" I get the following msg: object not accessible I type: dcop kmail default openComposer "" "" "" "DCOP rules" "" 0 "" I again get the msg "object no accessible." I am a newbie so perhaps I am not typiing thi...