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Sunday, March 12th 2006, 3:36am

Author: jamadagni

RE: Problem with KStars and coordinate systems; non-astronomers too help please

Quoted Originally posted by sturmflut If I center on Polaris via "Find object..." and switch between the two modes, the pole jumps left and right by some ten pixels, but is always around Polaris. Tested with KDE 3.5.1 on Kubuntu Dapper. I hope that helpded? I wanted the grid to change but it does not. I have filed a KDE bug report in this regard. Thank you for your response.

Wednesday, January 4th 2006, 1:29pm

Author: jamadagni

Problem with KStars and coordinate systems; non-astronomers too help please

Does anyone else see the following bug on KStars 1.20 on KDE 3.5? With Settings > Configure KStars > Guides > Coordinate Grid switched on, Try changing the coordinate system by View > Equatorial Coordinates and View > Horizontal Coordinates. It does not work. Do you see this too? For those not into astronomy, you probably don't have KStars installed, but if you do, please test whether it works or not. The test is: if the grid has its pole at the star labeled Polaris in both coordinate system the...

Monday, December 12th 2005, 3:05am

Author: jamadagni

RE: Weird behaviour of KSpread 1.42 with dates

Related bugs I was involved in: Thanks for your response.

Saturday, November 26th 2005, 4:04pm

Author: jamadagni

Weird behaviour of KSpread 1.42 with dates

I entered the date 2005-November-26 as 2005-11-26 (ISO standard format) in a new empty spreadsheet in KSpread. Selecting that cell with a single-left-click, I clicked and dragged down the handle at the bottom-right corner of the cell selection border. This is what I got: 2005-11-26 2006-2006-2006 2007-2007-2007 2008-2008-2008 2009-2009-2009 2010-2010-2010 and so on. A similar experiment gave me: 10-05-2005 38,483 38,484 38,485 38,486 38,487 Doing the same with OOo Calc would give me a list of da...