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Tuesday, December 12th 2006, 9:53pm

Author: rimcrazy

Center Mouse button paste in Kmail

I tried a search on this and found nothing. Kmail is driving me nuts with the in-ability to use the center mouse button for a paste. I'm running KDE 3.5.5-0.2.fc5 Fedora-Core, Kmail Version 1.9.5. When I am composing a mail message and say I wish to copy some lines from either a terminal or another document I do a mouse select and go to the mail message to paste in. Every time I click the center button a dialog comes up and wants to paste as an attachement and not let me paste directly into the ...

Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 1:38pm

Author: rimcrazy

"save as" broken

OK, this is driving me nuts. I recently upgraded to KDE 3.5 on both my SuSE 10 PC and my RHEL4 laptop. On my SuSE PC, when ever I"m browsing and I see a file I wish to download, when the dialog box comes up from the browser for action I click save. Then the os dialog box comes up to allow me to pick a location to save. That is where the problem lies. On my laptop, if I wish to make a new directory, I click the new folder button, type in a new name and the file is saved to the new location. No pr...

Sunday, January 8th 2006, 11:50pm

Author: rimcrazy

konstruct dies on knight

I wondered about that. I noticed on the build I did that digikam did not build but it finished. It may have been my fault. I cntl-c'ed a kde build part way through when I got your note and then did a restart with a make everything. I'm guessing that it was at that point when I killed it. Should have just deleted everything and started again. Anyway, I did a hack on the makefile to just make digikam and tried to do a make clean but it would not do it as it thinks it has built it. It was never ins...

Sunday, January 8th 2006, 4:42am

Author: rimcrazy

konstruct dies on knight

Duh! Thanks for pointing that out. I've been looking everywhere except the obvious. I'm not that experienced using gcc. Should have figured that out. Thanks for the help. I've been thinking how stupid this is that I can't build the install simply because I couldn't get a dumb game to compile.

Saturday, January 7th 2006, 8:38pm

Author: rimcrazy

konstruct dies on knight

konstruct dies when trying to compile knight. I really don't care about this game but because it will not compile due to code errors I cannot proceed and complete a "make install" with everything. Is there a way to tell konstruct to not build this game and go on and finish making 3.5? g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/local/kde/kde3.4-beta2/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/kde/kde3.4-beta2/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/kde/kde3.4-beta2/include -I/us...