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Search results 1-15 of 15.

Saturday, July 17th 2004, 7:27pm

Author: carlwill

How to install Americas Army on Linux?

I went to the website and downloaded what looks to be the latest full version of AA. I saved it to /home/carlwill The file is called armyops-lnx-patch-200ato210.tar.bz2 Can someone please give this Linux newbie instructions on what to do? What is my next step? Should I open a terminal window and extract the file to a destination? Thanks for any walk through help you can offer me...

Saturday, July 17th 2004, 1:57am

Author: carlwill

Question about downloaded themes?

Ok, I have a few questions I dont understand about themes... When you add a weather theme, how do you add your local weather info to the theme, how does it know where you are located? Second - When I add a custom theme task bar to replace the boring KDE task menu bar, how can you add your icons for apps of your liking? Example, I download this menu bar, can I create a icon for Firefox and Thunderbird?

Saturday, July 17th 2004, 12:13am

Author: carlwill

weather application?

ok, Now I am confused about adding a cool looking task bar - when I add this theme, do they replace my old boring KDE task bar or will they chnage the way my exsisting taskbar looks?

Friday, July 16th 2004, 2:43am

Author: carlwill

Will Doom 3 support Linux?

I wanted to know if I can run Doom 3 on Linux or if it will need Direct X or just run better on a Windows machine?

Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:43pm

Author: carlwill

How do I play MP3's on my FC2 system?

I was told that FC2 was not allowed to integrate MP3 support - is there a simple work around I can do? I have XMMS installed and I have XINE media player if this makes any difference?

Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:31pm

Author: carlwill

fendora Core 2

yes, I love it!

Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:30pm

Author: carlwill

Get Rid of Konqueror?

Is there a command or way to tell my distro (Fedora Core 2) to un-install konqueror from the system? I use Firefox as my default web browser and I hate when I open a link from an email and it opens Konqueror instead of my prefered browser [Firefox] :cry: Thanks for any info ...

Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:22pm

Author: carlwill

Microsoft Apps?

I use thunderbird as an email client and was wondering if any apps in KDE have the ability to open and read Excel / Word attachments if sent to my Fedora Core 2 machine? Thanks for any info...

Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:20pm

Author: carlwill

weather application?

I see some many screen shots with desktops that show nice little apps that display weather and what not...I was wondering how and where these can be added to my KDE desktop - Thanks for any info...

Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:12pm

Author: carlwill

Super Karamba on Fedora Core 2

do you guys use this application becuase I have some questions reguarding some settings - I would really appreciate any help if you don't mind.

Tuesday, July 13th 2004, 1:20am

Author: carlwill

Super Karamba on Fedora Core 2

wow - 27+ views and nothing :cry:

Monday, July 12th 2004, 2:57am

Author: carlwill

Super Karamba on Fedora Core 2

If anyone here can tell me where and how to get Superkaramba...I would appreciate it

Monday, July 12th 2004, 2:21am

Author: carlwill

Super Karamba on Fedora Core 2

nevermind - That link is down as I just found out :? I got it from Now I really have no idea...

Sunday, July 11th 2004, 11:27pm

Author: carlwill

Super Karamba on Fedora Core 2

I found it here - in case anyone else was looking... :idea:

Sunday, July 11th 2004, 8:59pm

Author: carlwill

Super Karamba on Fedora Core 2

Ok - I am new here and to linux but did google this and searched these forums but did not find what I was looking for... I was wondering where to get Super Karamba for Fedora Core 2? I am not very good with installing apps yet so I am trying to see if there are simple ways of installing this application or good info on the net? apt-get? YUM? RPM?