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Saturday, November 20th 2004, 11:20pm

kopete -- p2p chat

Is there a way to setup a p2p chat without using any service (yahoo etc). That is, just knowing the IP address of the other party, can a direct connection be established. Is there a plugin for such a thing?


Sunday, November 21st 2004, 9:57am

If you want to chat with some people, there have to be a protocol which is used. Kopete understands various protocols. For some protocols, like IRC and Jabber, you can setup your own server. If you have your own IRC-server, you can enter it yourself, and you can somebody else let enter it, and then, you can talk with eachother.

With Jabber, it is something the same like that. You setup your own Jabber-server, let somebody register (only once), and then he can talk to you after he added you.

These options works the best if you have statics IP's. Dynamic IP's is not a big problem for IRC (except you have to change IP's first), but for Jabber, you need some extra tricks.

Of course: you can setup you firewall so that only connections from a specified IP are accepted to minimise the risk of having a server.


Tuesday, December 7th 2004, 4:14pm

i think he is searching something to chat without a server.

you can chat with telnet :P

computer 1 (ip-address is
$netcat -l -p 1337

computer 2:
$telnet 1337

than you can send text to each other ;)