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Friday, August 27th 2004, 6:13pm

[kopete]: can't connect to anything && going nuts

I really hope somebody can help here, because I've never (that is *never*) been able to connect using any protocol with kopete. I've asked on the Gentoo forums as well, but no luck.

The network I'm on connects out through squid. Everything seems to be set up OK. I've never had a problem connecting with Gaim. I use Gaim with MSN, ICQ, AIM, Jabber and Yahoo. All work prefectly. But I want KDE integration. I want to give kopete a test drive.

Most protocols give error messages indicating name lookup problems. For instance, trying to connect to MSN tells me 'Unable to lookup'. Fine. But why can Gaim connect? Jabber gives me a host not found error. But here it gets more funny. If I try to register for a new jabber account, kopete is able to retrieve a list of jabber servers. No host name lookup problems there.

Yahoo does not give any error messages. Instead it just keeps saying "Connecting..", but nothing else happens.

I'm currently using kopete 0.9.0, but it has been the same with every single version of kopete I have tried. I've googled around quite a bit. I was thinking that maybe kopete doesn't support connecting through a proxy server, but the only thing I've found is that the Yahoo protocal won't work with a SOCKS proxy.

As it is, I'm forced to stay with Gaim, which works. But I'd really like to use (or at least try kopete). If anybody has any clues about this please let me know what I need to do. TIA.



Posts: 2

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Saturday, April 21st 2007, 4:13pm

I'm having *exactly* the same issue. I've posted similiar messages on and Mandriva Forums but no luck. Even googling didn't help. It seems like many, many users are having the same problem but no body on the planet seems to have an idea as to how can Kopete be configured to use a SOCKS proxy X(.