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Friday, January 2nd 2004, 5:23am

problems with kmenuedit


Kmenuedit is funky. It won't save my changes, then suddenly old menu folders are gone or empty... Did they think this one out before releasing it??? Is there somewhere to edit the kmenu config files with a text editor or something?

I am in redhat 9, with the kde version distributed on the cds (3.1.1 I think).





Posts: 15

Location: Bristol, UK

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Sunday, January 4th 2004, 2:55pm

Cant be certain cos dont use RH9 and RH is not KDE friendly, or so I believe.
Current KDE is 3.1.4 and the menu is based on new version of FreeDesktop which is due in K3.2 - prgs get put in specific places rather than where you fancy.
In a console, entering kbuildsycoca --noincremental should reset K menu and clear out anything it doesnt like - or it does on my SuSE9.