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Wednesday, July 18th 2007, 12:12pm

Desktop Sharing Within Webpage

Hi All,

I need to share desktop to or from client within webpage, like in a single web page, assume there are two frames, desktop should show in right frame while click on listed client systems left side frame.

Desperately I need a solution. Please...Please...provide solution.

Please find an attachment of screenshot.

Thanks for all in advance for any one precious suggestions.

Sreenivas132 has attached the following image:
  • atlos_pic.gif



Posts: 948

Location: Eindhoven

Occupation: Software Engineer

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Tuesday, July 24th 2007, 7:47pm

RE: Desktop Sharing Within Webpage

Perhaps there is a Java applet for doing VNC sessions.

But this is not really related to KDE, so you may have more luck elsewhere.
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (


Thursday, October 18th 2012, 2:25pm

You may have a look at various remote support services such as, etc in order to have desktop screen sharing.