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Thursday, November 9th 2006, 9:58am

kmenuedit does not change kmenu [Solved]

hello all,

I have a problem with the menu

first for info, I am using Gentoo 2006.1 profile, with kde 3.5.5 stable version.

I encounter the following :

if trying to open kmenuedit by right click on the K button (bottom left) and selecting "menu-editor" nothing happen

then I open the menu and right click on a menu item, then select "edit menu" then the kmenuedit open, but any change I will do will be lost, even if I update the system, save the change, restart kde, X or the computer

same thing if I start kmenuedit from a console (konsole, xterm or other). all change will be lost as soon as I close kmenuedit

if I use kcontrol, go to Desktop-Panels-Menu and try to use "edit K Menu" , nothing happen

I try to remove k menu then add it again, no go

I try to remove all references of the menu all over the computer, for all users and I manage to remove some entries until the menu was empty, totaly empty, but stil, I could not edit it using kmenuedit

sometime, I make a change in kmenuedit (I create a submenu under office) then restart X, my menu does not change, but when I restart kmenuedit, I can see the change still there,

or sometime, when I remove files, I can see in the Kmenu some changes but kmenuedit stay the same.

in conclusion, it seems that my kmenu and my kmenuedit respond to 2 differents config files. any idea how I could fix that ??


PS: I have reinstall (emerge for gentoo) all kdebase, kio*, kde, kicker, konqueror, kmenuedit and so on

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "reup" (Nov 9th 2006, 12:24pm)


Thursday, November 9th 2006, 12:24pm

ok, after few days, I found my solution, in this same forum someone had a crash and tried to edit the menu manually
/etc/xdg/menus/ is the location of the menu, I rename this directory and !!!!!! all is back !



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Friday, November 10th 2006, 4:05am

Thank Reup!