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Wednesday, July 12th 2006, 12:31pm

Different KDE Versions together

Hi, I have 2 installed distros sharing /home
But one of them (Gentoo) is using KDE 3.4 and Suse is using KDE 3.5 so the .kde directory is incompatible and none of them is working properly.
Is it possible to use differents .kde version directories? Because they are using the same. I also have a .kde3.5 folder but none of them are using it.
And I'd like to share the kmail data as well, but I can't change it. What I really want is to store the emails in my own folder i.e. "mail". Can I do it?

Thank you very much!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "antares" (Jul 12th 2006, 4:17pm)


Friday, July 28th 2006, 9:23am

RE: Different KDE Versions together

Not sure about the mail problem but for the incompatible kde folders you could add stuff to login/.login (bash_)logout/.(bash_)logout that moved directories around, i.e one system moves kde to kde3.4 on logout and vice versa on login, the other does the same with a kde3.5 dir. It's not particularly elegant but at least you can choose whether it's done or not for individual users.