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Sunday, April 29th 2012, 7:39am

Author: limousin

Logout menu with KUbuntu

Hi, In fact it's not a KDE problem but a Grub one. In /etc/default/grub I've changed GRUB_DEFAULT=0 by GRUB_DEFAULT=saved and it works fine when I click K menu / Exit /Restart I have the logout menu I needed. Hope it can help... Guy Veyssiere

Saturday, April 28th 2012, 3:20pm

Author: limousin

Logout menu with KUbuntu

Hi everybody, When we use Mandriva / Mageia Menu K Exit Reboot shows a choice for OS on reboot. With SUSE I lost this option but I had only to write in kdmrc : Change the line of the file /usr/share/kde4/config/kdm/kdmrc that say BootManager=None to BootManager=YourBootManager But with KUbuntu it doesn't work, BootManager=grub it's the same, BootManager=grub2 the same too... Do you have any solutions ? I do thank you.