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Friday, March 9th 2012, 12:37pm

Author: laussy

Drag and drop (html5)

If I grab ksnapshot's clipped snapshot into a kmail window, it will attach it, opening a window for me to provide the filename. This is great. If I do the same but dropping in chrome, for instance, in an html5 area where I can drop files, this will not work. There would be a green + symbol as I hover the snapshot over, but when I release it, nothing happens. The content is not passed, as it would be if I'd grab a file from konq, say, into this area. Who's faulty there? Ksnapshot, or the clipboar...

Thursday, June 26th 2008, 1:24pm

Author: laussy

How to override Standard Application key-binding?

Dear Forum, In kde3, it was very easy and comfortable to assign a keyboard shortcut. If the sought shortcut was already used by another application or for another purpose, a warning would be issued and one would be asked if they would still like to enforce their new key-binding. Now in kde4, I am being told that if my choice is already used for something else, then I can't go on with it. Namely, I want Ctrl+arrows to switch desktops, because it is something I need all the time and am used to do ...