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Friday, March 16th 2007, 10:06am

Author: mishakop

debugging Qt app in Kdevelop

I moved a little off from the initial point. I was able to put a breakpoint, at which the program really stopped, and even could be stepped through. The central idea here is to set the qmake project to the debug mode. In KDevelop, find the QMake Manager popup pane at the right side of the editor. Right click the current subproject and choose Subproject settings -> Configuration ->Build Mode. Change it to "debug". Rebuild the project. Also, if you compile KDevelop from source, the configure optio...

Tuesday, March 13th 2007, 12:02pm

Author: mishakop

KDevelop QT debug

Yes, I have the same problem. How to debug a QT project in KDevelop?