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Wednesday, February 10th 2010, 7:37pm

Author: melkevizth

Transparent clock that stays above everything

I would love to see a clock (or any plasmoid) that could be fairly transparent and stay above all the windows, even ones that are active. This would allow someone to easily keep track of the time while still using all available screen real estate. Currently in order to have the time show all the time, a panel must always be visible that will shrink the visible window size down by the size of the panel, even if only the small clock in the corner is desired. An auto-hide panel can be used, but tha...

Saturday, April 21st 2007, 10:18pm

Author: melkevizth

Logout menu options configuration

Hi, I am setting up a computer running Kubuntu 7.04 and would like to turn off the Suspend and Hibernate options that are given when a user selects "Logout" from the K-menu. Is there a configuration file somewhere that I can edit to remove these two options? The only option I know of is the "offerShutdown" option in the ksmserverrc file, but that removes all the shutdown options including the shutdown and restart options along with the hibernate and suspend options. Any help would be greatly app...