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Thursday, November 30th 2006, 10:33am

Author: krussell

Large icon in KMenu?

Hello :-) Thanks for the detail guide. as far as i remember (sorry i am in a win pc now) the icon size in Control Center doesnot affect the menu icon size. I will try it when i go home.

Wednesday, November 29th 2006, 8:54am

Author: krussell

Large icon in KMenu?

Hello :-) I am using Slack 11 with KDE 3.5.5. I need some help for making my Kmenu icons as large as they are in Kubuntu (as in the attachment) or SuSE. Can anyone help me on this, i would appreciate for any suggestion or some link to how to do this. Thanks

Wednesday, November 29th 2006, 7:58am

Author: krussell

Icon size change in kmenu and others

Hi :-) I am using KDE 3.5.5 on Slack 11 and its just awesome!! why? bcoz the things i wished they were changed, can find most of them in 3.5.5. Thanks to the KDE Team for their constant development and commitment. However, some things can be included in KDE 4, like: 1. Change of icon size in the KMenu 2. Replace the square K button 3. Make the use of tar/untar faster 4. Make the right clink menu a bit organized (too many items) 5. Put some 3D feeling in the windows and some other that i can't re...