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Saturday, July 15th 2006, 3:53pm

Author: blek

Kmail folder

Quoted Originally posted by antares IMHO this should be easier. I completely agree, but it seems that many email applications employ proprietary storage schemes. Not sure this applies to your situation: Using KMail to access folders on another partition

Saturday, July 15th 2006, 1:35pm

Author: blek

Kmail folder

Quoted Originally posted by antares And can I change it to other pathl? I really need it. Thank you. Are you familiar with symbolic links? For example, if you already have one distro on one partition with kmail that you can mount as /old in the new distro, then you should be able to: % ln -s /old/home/antares/.kde/shar/apps/kmail ~/.kde/shar/apps Two disclaimers: 1) I work in an IMAP environment, with all email folders (except Drafts and Trash) on a server. This allows them to be shared across ...

Friday, July 14th 2006, 11:05pm

Author: blek

What you want from KDE 4

Quoted Originally posted by alecs1 There is definitely one thing I have learned from reading the people's opinions on KDE: they are very very superficial, and most of them won't look twice to change something that bother. I agree, because this also applies to me. I use KDE only because of KMail, but am always strongly tempted to quit when we update Fedora. What I want from KDE 4 is user documentation. I expect most users would benefit by deleting all the obsolete Help Center contents so that le...