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Saturday, November 13th 2004, 4:09pm

Upgrading to Kdevelop 3.3.1 in Mandrake 10.0

I've upgraded kdevelop from 3.0.3 to 3.3.1. Now, during startup, this error is reported and the program is hang:
kdevelop: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN13KListViewItem10insertItemEP13QListViewItem

Any idea?
Thanks in advance.



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Location: Lynnwood, WA, USA

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Friday, December 10th 2004, 8:31am

Looks to me that some KDE libraries have not been properly updated to match the new KDevelop libraries. How did you install the new version of KDevelop?

And 3.3.1? I thought the latest version was 3.1.2.
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