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Friday, March 19th 2004, 8:29pm

Suse 9.0 compiling

I installed suse linux 9.0 but i have no idea how to compile new software on it. When i run ./config for different things it comes back saying no compiler. I emailed the suse support about this and they said they couldent help me unless i payed. Whats this about, how could they not have a compiler on the system? If there is do i need to configure it or something. Thanks for any help you can give.


Tuesday, March 23rd 2004, 9:27am



Saturday, March 27th 2004, 2:20am

Ok i found on my computor in YAST that i have gcc and all the stuff for it., but still cant use it. Is it on there not installed yet or something?




Tuesday, March 30th 2004, 5:24am

more info

you need to give us more info. like the last 5 lines of the error message.


Tuesday, March 30th 2004, 9:08am

on yast or yast2 you will need to install most of your development tools before you can used them.

Once you done that and your are familiar with compilers you will c that it all start working nicelly.

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