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Friday, June 18th 2004, 1:47pm

Garbled icon colours on mouse click

Dramatis Personae:

XMMS Icon - our heroine
Mouse Cursor - the invisible champion
GIMP - faceless spectator

ACT 1:

GIMP {portrays the following scene}
Mouse Cursor {wanders}
XMMS Icon {stands still}

ACT 2:

GIMP {portrays the following scene}
Mouse Cursor {hovers}
XMMS Icon {stands still}

ACT 3:

GIMP {portrays the following scene}
Mouse Cursor {clicks}
XMMS Icon {feels clicked and has fever}

ACT 4:

GIMP {portrays the following scene}
Mouse Cursor {wanders again}
XMMS Icon {still feels clicked, yet senses no presence of Mouse Cursor. Pukes}

ACT 5:

GIMP {portrays the following scene}
Mouse Cursor {clicks elsewhere}
XMMS Icon {is left alone}


In the beginning I thought that the foul colours were caused by Ati's proprietary fglrx driver, but when I switched back to software - nada. Still garbled. Same garbling also appears when setting the menu transparency to software (XRender works fine). Any suggestions?
My specs:
PIV 2,4GHz, Ati Radeon 9500Pro (Hercules brand), 512MB RAM (DDR333). I'm using Debian Sid and 2.6.5 kernel w/Debian patches. KDE 3.2.2.


Thursday, June 24th 2004, 8:57am

Maybe a Debian bug

The "problem" is Debian Sid :))))), i has the same "problem" with funky reds and blues colors in selections.

Only wait ;) and debian fixit
Salu2 a to2

My Blog


Thursday, June 24th 2004, 10:21am

Oh, ok. :)