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Tuesday, November 30th 2004, 8:14pm

Compiling problems...

Yah... I'm having problems compiling sources that make folders... because the folders are made in the / directory which is controlled by root, and i was wondering, on SuSE 9.1 Personal, how do i run the commands 'make' and 'make install' as root? one of the INSTALL files said how but that didnt work...


Wednesday, December 1st 2004, 7:06am

The most common way to make and install software is:
[list]Unpack the code in your home-direcory, or a submap of it
Run ./configure, maybe with some options
Run make
Enter su -c "make install" if you don't have write-access to the install-path.[/list:u]
You have to execute "make install" as root if you can't do that as user. With [code:1]su -c "command"[/code:1] can you switch to root for one command (you have to enter the root password, of course).[/list]


Wednesday, December 1st 2004, 5:00pm

Okay, I'll try that when I get home, hopefully that will work... because I can't find RPM's of the most recent versions of what im trying to compile, that's the only reason im compiling it... :wink: