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Friday, October 15th 2004, 6:07pm

Need help: KDE won't start

Disclaimer: I am a newbie :oops:

I just purchased my first Linux system. I am running the 64-bit version of SUSE 9.1. During one of my first sessions, while doing some adminstrative work (formatting and mounting a hard drive and creating user accounts, nothing really too complicated even for a newbie), upon logging out something unusual happened: all the text in the log-out window became unreadable. All the characters appeared as squares. I was unable to start KDE since then.

When I reboot, the only thing that seems different is the line

"loading compose table winkeys shiftctrl latin1.add failed"

and further below

"failed services in runlevel 5: network alsasound kbd"

I am able to login to Linux using a standard ASCII console. I suspect that something went wrong with the fonts, but I have no idea how to verify this assumption nor how to fix it. Can you please help? (Where is my other bottle of Maalox?)