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Friday, June 18th 2004, 2:01pm

Couldn't add Packages, post-KDE install- /var/local is Full

I installed OpenBSD and KDE. They both work fine. However, I could not load all the packages that I wanted. Applications make a computer useful, and I want to add all the basic packages for multimedia and development tools. After installing a number of packages, an error message appeared that said /var/local is full.

How much disk space (in Mb) should I allow for each partition? For example... /, swap, /tmp, /var, /var/local, /home, & etc. I gave a lot more space than any webpage mentioned as a minimum. I gave 1200 Mb for /var/local but that was insufficent. How many Mb (or Gb) for each partition should I use for KDE?

Thanks in Advance,
Greetings to All :)