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Monday, April 5th 2004, 6:13pm

Linux x Windows

What are the differences between using Linux and Windows ?
i bought a computer just now, and i want explanations !!!


Tuesday, April 6th 2004, 1:58am

I believe this topic is better fitting in the 'admin and installation' forum.

As for the question, well, there are many differences between linx and windows. First, I would have to assume you are familiar with windows, since most people are, so to get some information on linux, the distributions of it, and the mechanics of it, I would suggest doing some reading on



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Friday, April 9th 2004, 10:19am

Normally it's not possible to enumerate differences between the two. First, there are many differences. Second, the discussion normally turns into a battle (maybe not here because we are all kde users).

Anyway you will be best searching Google for
linux vs windows
windows vs linux
to get both sides (google tries to find the sequence of words, so order matters)