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Thursday, October 24th 2002, 10:49pm

Can anyone tell me how to install KDE 3.0.4 over 3.0.0

Isn't a little much to ask people to install 112 RPM's? I just got the rpms from and read all the install instructions and readme files but I havent a clue still how to install them. I have tryed to install everyone of the rpms and kpackage just crys about this or that so I goto the shell and I get the same thing. It's either a conflict or a dependancy issue with both kpackage and the shell. So what gives am I just stupid or am I missing something? Maybe the instructions could be written better... Anyhow thanks for any help given in advanced...



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Friday, October 25th 2002, 2:24am

There are several options you can try.
First, open rpmdrake as root, and click on the define sources button. Select the directory where you d/l your rpms and define it! next, deselect all the other sources, so that you only see the rpms you d/l listed.

select the ones you want to install and away you go.

If you get dependencies errors, install them in the following ways:

arts, arts devel
kde-libs, kde-libs devel
kde-base, kde-base devel

and the rest dont matter.

Or you could use console and try

<enter root pwd>
urpmi *

hope it works