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Tuesday, January 27th 2009, 1:38pm

distribution with sesame2


as you know one of the biggest things in KDE4 is nepomuk. Unfortunatly most of the distribution are using an old, slow and unmaintened backend (redland) and with the 4.2 version that means that strigi will be desactivated. So I know that Ubuntu doesn't want to package sesame2 (the good backend) so I'm trying to find a distribution, if possible debian based, with this backend packaged but I'm ready to test another kind.


ps: I think that KDE project should be very careful with this. A lot of people will be probably really disapointed by nepomuk and the semantic desktop and the disapointment will be attribuated to KDE not to the distributions packaging as it should.


Thursday, January 29th 2009, 7:28pm

RE: distribution with sesame2

I'm trying to find a distribution, if possible debian based, with this backend packaged but I'm ready to test another kind.


ps: I think that KDE project should be very careful with this. A lot of people will be probably really disapointed by nepomuk and the semantic desktop and the disapointment will be attribuated to KDE not to the distributions packaging as it should.

I agree. Nepomuk I think is, with Akonadi, one of the real and "serious" technological advances in KDE, more than plasma, wich is very nice, yes, but not as useful.
But it seems that tere aren't good news from Debian. Packager Sune Vuorela states it's a huge lot of work to do and according to his words it doesn't seem Debian people are very eager to package Sesame2 :(

I'd hate to change distribution, but I don't like to have a castrated KDE either... :-/

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