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Saturday, January 17th 2009, 8:23am

Looking for a KDE distribution which...


I need some help to choose one of the countless KDE distros for my purposes. I used Kubuntu, but since KDE 4 everything feels unfinished and not well tested there.

I need a system which:

- is stable, without annoing bugs and program crashes
- has up-to-date applications. Using the newest kernel/drivers is not too much interesting for me, as long as it works. But the apps should be up-to-date.
- doesn't need hours and days to install/configure. I just want to use it and not to spend too much time with the system itself.
- has a friendly community (forum/irc)
- has 64bit support

Thanks for every suggestion :)




Posts: 1

Location: Flint, Michigan, USA

Occupation: Gray-haired student

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Thursday, January 22nd 2009, 1:14pm

RE: Looking for a KDE distribution which...


I have been using Fedora 10 (KDE 4 spin) for about 6 weeks now, and have been quite pleased with it. I am a "distro hopper," so for me to land in one spot and stay is not a small thing. Fedora 10 has a large community with lots of help, and is known for being pretty close to the cutting edge with its apps. 64-bit is well supported. You will find that KDE 4.2 (beta available now) is much more "finished" and complete than even 4.1.4.

As for absence of bugs and annoyances, well... I had to uninstall pulseaudio to get decent sound, but

If you want to read more about my experience with Fedora 10, and see a few screenshots, you can check out my blog.

Here is a link to Rex Dieter's KDE 4.2 Fedora 10 live image.

Good luck!


This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "eyemeansit" (Jan 22nd 2009, 1:26pm)


Sunday, June 27th 2010, 6:10pm


I need some help to choose one of the countless KDE distros for my purposes. I used Kubuntu, but since KDE 4 everything feels unfinished and not well tested there.

Thanks for every suggestion :)


while currently only 32-bit, may I still suggest Netrunner 2 ( Blacklight ) :D
We tried to give it our full support, meaning a polished and tuned KDE distro yet still with a Gnome-integration layer...

Just give it a try if you prefer KDE configurability and still not miss out on Gnome world:


Greetings, Starbuck.

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