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  • "beermad" started this thread

Posts: 21

Location: Ipswich, England

Occupation: Semi-retired software engineer

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Wednesday, October 8th 2008, 11:48am

Clickable links in messages from Kmail

Whenever I look at a message in Kmail, URLs are automatically converted into clickable links. Evidently because Kmail is intelligent enough to recognise them and handle them properly. I assumed every other email client had similar intelligence built in, but I've now been told by (Windows-using) friends that whenever they get emails from me they have to cut-and-paste links in order to use them. But apparently this is only a problem with emails from me. So presumably, the Windows email clients encode URLs in a way that other clients can understand. Short of sending HTML emails (which I don't really want to do) is there a way to configure Kmail so that people using inferior operating sytems see what I thought they were seeing?