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  • "mshelby1" started this thread

Posts: 16

Location: Central KY, USA

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Monday, September 22nd 2008, 5:56pm

Building KDE without the bloat

Not sure how to phrase my question, so I'll just have to do the best I can.

Wondering if it would be possible, to build a kde meta package from source but exclude the packages I don't want. I'll use kdegames for example. Would it be possible to build kdegames and exclude every game except for solitare?

Second scenario: Wondering if I could build the kdegames package without selecting ANY of the games, so that the kdegmaes package is very small, then I could build each one of the games as a seperate file. For example I might have a smaller metapackage called kdegames, then another few smaller files called kdegames-solitare and kdegames-kbounce for example...
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