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Sunday, September 21st 2008, 9:01am

How do I change my screensaver


I'm using KDE 4.1. but it doesn't seem like there is anything in the menus to access a screensaver. what's the program called that handles this and how can I access it through the menus? :?:


Friday, September 26th 2008, 9:12pm

RE: How do I change my screensaver


I'm using KDE 4.1. but it doesn't seem like there is anything in the menus to access a screensaver. what's the program called that handles this and how can I access it through the menus? :?:

Start -> Computer -> System Settings -> Desktop -> Screen Saver


Friday, October 3rd 2008, 8:55pm

Its so simple go for right click on the screen you will get all the menu. you see the screesaver and there you can change it .

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Saturday, October 4th 2008, 8:20pm

Its so simple go for right click on the screen you will get all the menu. you see the screesaver and there you can change it .

Are you talkin' about KDE 4.* ?


Friday, October 10th 2008, 10:07am

Vous devez utiliser le programme de gestion de kde4 : systemsettings

vous cliquer sur : bureau
puis sur : écran de veille

in english (i have a french version :rolleyes: )

You must use the program management program KDE4: systemsettings
you click on icon : desktop,
and tou choice "screen saver"

Version de kde 4.1.2 (madriva 2009)

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