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Sunday, August 31st 2008, 10:55am

Alternative file dialog

Dear all,

When managing my own fields I frequently notice that there are some major axes describing the way I sort my files. For my own files, for example, it would be:

  • Filetype: picture, movie, sound, sourcecode, article-pdf, guide, archive, other text, slides
  • Subject: study, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, job, computer, personal, hobbies, games/fun
And, less often:
  • Importance/urgency: low, medium, high
  • Long-time need: low, medium, high
So this often results in directories as: ~\Uni\Study1\slides and ~\Personal\Pictures\ etc. Sometimes there are subaxes for specific subjects (e.g. specific courses within my study), which could also be defined as axes. Alternatively, it could than also just switch to the normal directory view for further browsing.

Now, I don't know it this is possible yet, but wouldn't it be easier to find the appropriate target location of a file by selecting the right value for a couple of axes (e.g. picture, personal, low important, high long-time need) than specifically having to browse to a specific location on your HD? If I would want to make shortcuts to all the specific dirs it would tenths of directories, while with the axes just a couple of selection nodes are necessary, combining to the right directory. Moreover, with the importance and long-time need you could actually also link it directory to a to-do list or a backup hard disk. All it would ask is a mapping from the axes to directories/actions, which seems doable.

It is true this could, in a sense, already be attained by using a consistent directory structure, but with the loads of files on an average HD nowadays this is quite some work. Facilitating this by allowing users to define such axes would then be a great help, at least for me :)

Then again, possibly this is already possible, I just don't know the option yet. I will be happy to hear your opinion / solution to this suggestion.

kind regards,


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