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Friday, July 25th 2008, 9:24pm

No Panels Running kde4 Under Ubuntu

I'm running Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1. I have installed three desktop options:

1. Ubuntu (Gnome style)
2. Kubuntu (kde 3 style)
3. Kde 4.1

Desktops 1 and 2 run well, But when logging on trying to use #3 (Kde 4.1 ) I get no panels at all on the bottom or top. Thus I have no access to any menus at all. Which means I can do diddley.

I can right-click and get access to a small menu which does allow me to add a new panel. But there are no items on that panel.

I've seen some very favorable comments about how well kde 4.1 runs under OpenSUSE. But I want to get it to run under ubuntu/kubuntu.

Doe anyone have any suggestions? Thank you in advance for your time and trouble.


Friday, July 25th 2008, 9:32pm

That seems to be related to an issue i stumbled upon today.
Somehow the desktop containments are screwed up with different screens resolutions.
Open up /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings with Alt+F2, and then change your resolution of your monitor there.
That was, what fixed it for me.

btw. this supposed to happen when i ran KRandRTray

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "neverendingo" (Jul 25th 2008, 9:37pm)


Saturday, July 26th 2008, 10:00pm

That seems to be related to an issue i stumbled upon today.
Somehow the desktop containments are screwed up with different screens resolutions.
Open up /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings with Alt+F2, and then change your resolution of your monitor there.
That was, what fixed it for me.

btw. this supposed to happen when i ran KRandRTray
Thanks neverendingo, for the insight and tip. The solution I found which worked best for me was to do the following:

cd ~
rm -r .kde4
Then logout and log back into KDE 4. This will set all desktop configs to their defaults.

Now my KDE 4 install is truly beautiful and fast.


Saturday, July 26th 2008, 10:16pm

You shouldn't do that, if you have already many configured apps, eg kopete or kmail or... this way all needs to be setup again.
Maybe simply deleting ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc and plasma-appletsrc would have been enough.