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Thursday, May 29th 2008, 4:06pm

[Kopete] Kopete 0.12.7 can not connect to ICQ

All of sudden, Kopete can't connect to icq, but id doesn't show any
message. When i try to connect I can see this in console:

kopete (oscar/icq): WARNING: [ICQ::Presence
ICQ::OnlineStatusManager:resenceOf(uint)] No presence exists for
internal status 99! Returning Offline

Actually, I am connected, all my friends see me online, but I do
not see them online, and Kopete is just constantly reconnecting.

I've tried SIM on the same pc and it works fine. Deleting folder
~/.kde3.5/share/apps/kopete/ didn't help, though the warning
disappears, the behavior of Kopete is the same.

Kopete version is 0.12.7 (or 3.5.9, as is versioned by KDE). I am using Gentoo.

The same problem was reported on KDE-forum in 2006 (for
kopete 0.12.3), it was caused by the change in ICQ protocol and
corrected in the subsequent version. However, I didn't find any similar
report for the newest version of kopete. Does also anybody experience
this behavior? Can somebody help?

