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Monday, March 17th 2008, 4:02pm

krandrtray and Xvnc

I'm using Xvnc with the Xrandr extension hacked into it. The extention works, I can query the server for entensions and it reports back the correct xrandr version. I can resize, roate and reflect. KDE and GNOME both respond correctly to the window beign resized. I can even launch krandrtray within GNOME. It gives me a little app window (not a tray icon obviously) and I can resize the VNC session. But I CANNOT launch krandrtray when I'm in a KDE session on the Xvnc server. When I try installing it into the panel and clicking, there is cursor animation showing me it's trying to start but nothing ever happens. When I try to launch it from a terminal window it just sits there.
Anyone have any idea what's going on or who I contact about this behavior?
Resizing the VNC session is very useful because not every place I connect from has the same physical display.

Thank you.